Hey, are you searching for or want to know?  —–> “ What is the AIDA Model?

If yes, I would like to congratulate you because you came to the right place.

I think you’re a newly born copywriter, an advertiser, or just want to start copywriting for your ADs or clients’ ADs.


No Matter;  

Who you’re whether you’re a new copywriter, advertiser, or just a normal reader, we crafted this guide for every type of person. Even if anyone doesn’t know a single word about the AIDA Formula, after reading this guide, he will feel like an AIDA Marketing expert!😎

Stay connected with this article. We have a 💲100 aida formula template for you at the end of this article.


What is the AIDA Model?


The AIDA Model is kind of like art, or you can also say it’s a a great technique where you’ll persuade you’re becoming a customerby passing through a sociological path where you’ll try to convince your audience about your product and service through Applying four steps.



AIDA Model History


The Aida strategy was invented in 1989 By an American Businessman or advertising advocate “Elias St. Elmo Lewis.”

He invented the Aida framework. He found that Model anonymously wrote a column about three advertising principles he found useful throughout his career in a printing magazine called The Inland Printer, one of the most influential American magazines of the 19th century.

The marketing Model AIDA was developed in a test where St Elmo Lewis was trying to explain How Personal Selling Works?

Main Purpose

The main purpose of this formula is to attract reader’s attention by using persuasive words so they can retain the content, and after some time, they will get interested in the product which the advertiser is trying to promote in the content and in the last after getting convinced the advertiser try that readers must take a specific action.”

What does AIDA stand for?


Attention —> Create sudden awareness of the product or service.

Interest —> Generate interest of the audience for the product.

Desire —> Generate Desire for the product in the audience’s hearts.

Action —> Push the audience to take a specific action.

How to use the AIDA Model?


People Buy Emotions


By creating an advertising campaign or designing your landing page with the help of the AIDA model, you can get more leads or sales with less budget because Aida marketing will help you trigger your audience’s emotions. You notice that I mentioned emotions because “people don’t buy services or products; people buy emotions.


AIDA is just like a Recipe


The Aida framework is just like a recipe when you add ingredients in every step to make the recipe more delicious, as with the AIDA model. When you add more value to the people at every step so, your marketing or sales process will also nurture(delicious).

This copywriting framework works in four steps which I already told you about. Let’s understand in detail how it works.

How to include the AIDA Model in your Digital Marketing



In this step, you should have one goal to grab your audience’s attention. While creating the ad copy of the advertising campaign or a landing page, you must grab the attention in this step. But the question is how you can grab the attention of your audience.

I’m sharing with you some examples, or you can do tricks that will help you grab your audience’s attention.

  • You can conduct a free webinar
  • You can generate curiosity
  • You can give free information
  • You can schedule free giveaways
  • You can give lead magnets
  • You can ask relevant questions
  • You can do entertaining things like rap songs if you belong to the entertainment industry.


In the second step, your main goal is to generate interest in your audience’s heart. Yes, you can generate interest in many ways. 

In this step, you have to give your audience a think, ” I like it.”

In this stage, your content must be persuasive and engaging so that people will engage with your content, and you can do this with a hook.

  • You can give them a free PDF
  • You can tell them the features of your product 
  • You tell them how your product or service will help them.


In this step, you have to create a desire in your audience’s heart so they can buy your service or product. Now you’re thinking about how to do it.

Don’t worry;

I’ll tell you how you can generate a desire in your audience’s heart so you can push toward your service or product.


You can create a testimonial of your existing or last client to use in your campaign or on the landing page.


You can use your last work in your ad campaign. Let’s assume you designed a website for your last client so you can use it in your ads first, and you can show them how a process you designed a website or also show before and after the website, so both of these things will help increase your credibility.


In the last step, you must push the people to take action. An action could be anything. It’s up to your goal. You can try different CTAs ( call to action) with different tricks.

Bonus Tricks To increase the CTA rate


  • You can create urgency  —> Wrist Watch sale valid for only 3 days
  • You can create fear —–> Buy Scarfs now! Limited stock available
  • You can give a discount —-> Get 50% on your first shopping
  • You can give a bonus —-> Buy 1 T-shirt and get 1 trouser free

Why is AIDA important in marketing?


Aida funnel is the most popular method or technique almost every popular or big marketer has already used. So, you can think about the importance of the AIDA.

The AIDA model helps companies to speed up their sales and marketing process. It will help the companies for marketers to make a unique identity in front of a crowd. It allows you to create a well-planned pipeline where your potential prospects will pass and come up as a converted potential qualified leads after the nurturing process.

Initially, I help you to attract more clients, and the main goal of this aida marketing is to grab the people’s attention, or you can even say you create awareness for your brand.

It will provide you with the best strategic framework you can apply to your marketing.

AIDA Model Practical Examples


I hope you understand the Aida method very well; let’s understand the Aida model practically.


Theoretical Knowledge is not enough. You must do some practical work or exercises to better understand the Aida model. In this guide, we will see the Aida strategy’s practical 

Implementations in different marketing like FB ads, email scripts, landing pages, etc.

Let’s start with FB ads.


AIDA Model for FB Ads


Let me give a confession 1st. In 2014 when I was learning FB ads I struggled alot in deciding which business manager objective should I choose so I can generate a decent amount of sales but I was unable to make a successful campaign structure because I was just running FB ads without any proper framework.

After a lot of research and mentorship I figured out the best way or structure to run a profitable fb ads. 

In the beginning you have to decide what you want? So, according to it you’ll create your campaign the same as I did. 

First I decide what’s my main goal of a campaign then I make a funnel but the fb business manager also makes it easy for marketers by dividing all the objectives into three parts.

Let’s check out

Once you select an object and set up everything successfully, you’ll see the ad level of the FB ads campaign. In this stage, you have to create your ad, like creating a visual for your ad and writing ad copy.

You must write an ad copy using the Aida method at this ad level.

I know! Do you want to see some Aida model FB ad copies?

Let’s check out the ad copy with the Aida model.


Practical EXample – FB ADS Ad Copy

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AIDA Model for Funnel


As you saw above in the FB ads section, how does the Aida model work in the FB ads ad copy? Same without a proper strategy or funnel, your marketing is incomplete. Here is one question that arises or may be in your mind which is.

What is a Sales Funnel?

The sales funnel is kind of like a funnel or process where you filter out your 

Prospects into qualified leads or prospects by passing them through the different stages.

If you want to know the sales funnel in detail, you can read our complete funnel guide.

How Does AIDA Model Use In Sales Funnel?

There are a lot of sales funnels in the market that marketers use according to their needs and product or service nature, but right now, I’m showing you a real practical example of the Aida Model Sales Funnel.


Sales Funnel For real estate Industry

Aida Model for an email script


You can use the Aida strategy anywhere, but it depends on the nature of the product or marketing. Same as, you can use the Aida framework for an email script. The strategy will remain the same, but you must write an email script according to the Aida model.

1-In the first stage, you will introduce your brand. 

2-In the 2nd stage, you will tell the problems And also give their solutions or also offer them a lead magnet 

3-In the 3rd step, you can send them some testimonials and other stuff in order to generate 

4-trust and In the last step you can send bonuses or a limited-time discount.



It’s not a fixed formula you can modify according to your services. Some people only use three steps instead of four. It’s all totally up to you.



Subject line: How { lead website name} can get 50 clients per day – guarantee? – ( ATTENTION)



{ name}

Hello, this is Kashif Iqbal from Digitroopers. Not sure if you know this, but your website

( website name) has some problems that you might want to consider looking into. I spent 2-3 minutes looking ( INTEREST)

 around and found:

  • It doesn’t work well on mobile phones at all ( which is how most people browse the web these days)  
  • It doesn’t adjust properly when you resize the screen
  • It looks hard to read on pc and mobile
  • It looks outdated compared to some of your competitors( check out these guys { website name} )

If you really want to fix these bugs and increase your REVENUE up to 5x times, then We Schedule a meeting ( ACTION)

where we’ll guide you, 

 How {lead name} can get at least 50 clients through his website?


Aida Model For landing page


Well, there is not any such specific Aida formula for landing pages. Marketers use different types of landing pages for their funnels and paid marketing campaigns.

If you check this, you can see various landing pages, like a squeeze page, a long-form landing page, and a simple short landing page with a lead form.

So, for an effective landing page, you need a persuasive sales or landing page copy so that your audience will engage with that and take a specific action that you want to do from them.

When I design a landing page, I give a little touch of the Aida model in my landing page sales copy.


Which company uses AIDA?


There are a lot of companies or brands that are using the AIDA model. Even currently, many big companies use a funnel to generate decent sales and do branding.

As you can see in history, some brands were small, but they are huge now due to applying this strategy. Here are the 5 Brands that Successfully Use the AIDA Model.

  • Nike 
  • coca-cola
  • apple
  • Netflix
  • Adidas


When the iPhone was launched, they also used the Aida model to get successful results.

FOR AWARENESS-Create curiosity by announcing something new is coming.

FOR INTEREST-Create Interest by speaking about the features of the phone.

FOR DESIRE- Explain how it would solve the problems that the phone currently cannot solve.

FOR Action- Force people to take action by showing the real model on the stage.


When Netflix came to India, it struggled a lot to penetrate India because Indians already had access to free continuous content on various platforms and a cable connection, so they used the Aida model to penetrate India.

  • FOR AWARENESS-  Place HUGE banners of Shows
  • FOR INTEREST- 1 Month free trial Plan
  • FOR DESIRE- Due to the free trial, they created an addiction in the audience by giving documentaries, shows, and multiple original web series
  • FOR Action- Offer multiple subscriptions as a hook according to the different packages


How does Coca-Cola use AIDA?

You know Coca-Cola, I know Coca-Cola, everyone knows Coca-cola because it’s one of the world’s most famous beverage brands. Coca-Cola used different marketing strategies for its branding. 

Coca-Cola’s Marketing strategies played the main role in making Coca-Cola so popular worldwide. They used many marketing strategies, but today we will discuss how Coca-Cola uses AIDA’s Marketing Strategy.



They penetrated this industry by grabbing the people’s attention, and they ran a zero original campaign. In this campaign, they used their product posters on bus stations and billboards. 

The posters had black and red text written on them. 

This campaign helps them grab the attention of many people before they know anything about the product.



In the first part, they had done very well; now they have to make people interested in their product, and their team again did very well. 

They very smartly utilized the ZERO word in their campaign in order to generate people’s interest in the product, so the people were curious to know what was represented here.



Again They smartly utilize the Zero word, which means the soft drink doesn’t contain sugar, but they will experience the same taste as any other drink, so this strategy produces desire in the people that at least one time they should taste a drink.



Now this is the stage where you lose or gain your customer because, at this stage, people are ready to take action according to the AIDA funnel, but there was one thing that also helped to make the cola’s Aida model so successful a product ( coca-coca) yes, without a good product consumer never retains with your brand. 




I hope you’re feeling confident after reading this Aida Model guide. In this guide, we discussed everything you need to know, and Now, we can say you’re well aware of Aida’s strategy. As I already told you at the start of the article, you will feel like an Aida funnel expert after reading this article.

In this article, I try to deliver all my knowledge regarding the AIDA Model. We discuss Aida applications, their importance, and live practical examples.

But even now, you want to know more about Aida marketing, so you can read another article: How To Apply The AIDA Copywriting Formula For Epic Results?

Let us know in the comment if this Aida guide helped you. If yes, please share your feedback and thoughts regarding the Aida framework.

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