Hey, do you want to increase your Social Media channel engagement rate?

Are you not getting enough likes, shares, and comments on your social media posts?

If your answer is yes so, this blog is for you laughing

Nowadays, many business owners face low engagement rate issues on their social media. Due to this problem, many people stop their businesses. According to research, all social media support relevant content that engages users. Even when you are running paid ad channels, give advantage to engaging ads.

The main factor behind the lower engagement rate is poor copywriting. Improper word choice harms your post engagement because it makes your copy irrelevant.

In this blog, I will provide seven copywriting tips for social media. These tips will help you to write highly engaging copy and increase your engagement rate on social media.

I recommend you read this full blog if you want to get complete information. In addition, I will give you a bonus tip at the end, so do not skip a single tip.

So now, without wasting time, let’s discuss our seven copywriting tips for social media.

Know Your USP (Unique Selling Point)


You must know your USP (Unique Selling Point) to make your social media copy attention-grabbing.

But wait, do you know:

  • How can you find your USP?
  • What is the exact meaning of USP?
  • What does it define?

If you don’t know anything about USP, don’t worry.

Let’s understand it first.

What is the exact meaning of USP?

As I defined above, the term USP means unique selling point. However, many people do not know its exact meaning. The term USP differentiates your brand from other competitor brands. Knowing your USP is very important because it helps you position your brand at the top of your target audience’s mind.

How can you find your USP?

There are three steps to finding USP for your brand.

  1. Purpose: what is the purpose of your service and brand? It may be used for entertainment or educational purposes.
  2. Context: In this step, you must discover why your product or service was made and who will like it.
  3. Approach: what do you think about it, and how will it benefit its user?

After this exercise, you will clear up your USP.

Once you know your USP, ensure it will be saved in your audience’s memory. As you know, Nike’s USP is( just do it), and everyone knows its USP.

Incorporate your USP in your social media copy. Keep it short but attention-grabbing, and ensure it is relevant to your brand personality.

For Example:

If your brand personality is Tech-Savvy Innovator so, your USP could be based on the following traits:

  • Future-Oriented.
  • Intelligent.
  • Progressive.
  • Confident.
  • Reliable.

You just need to combine traits of your brand personality and then make the USP.

Let’s say you can craft the USP for the brand Alpha Car, which focuses on innovation and technology, by combining the above five traits (Future-Oriented, Intelligent, Progressive, Confident, and Reliable).

Your USP could be: “Alpha Car: Drive the Future.”

Write Perfect Headline

The headline is critical to increasing user engagement. Because the headline is the first touch point, if it does not hook your readers, they will ignore your social media post copy and scroll to the next post.

So, to avoid losing many potential customers, your headline should be

attractive and engage readers to read the complete post.

Let’s discuss key tips to make a perfect headline:

  • Add value of Proposition in your headlines means you have to give enough value to your audience to take action.
  • Remember the Four U’s when writing your headline: Unique, Urgent, ultra-specific, and useful.
  • Keep your headline short as much as possible. You can use emojis in your headline because they help make your headline appealing.
  • If your aim is to run ads, always test multiple headlines because that will help you find the best one.

Empower Social Media Copy with Hashtags


A hashtag is a phrase or word that can be identified easily because the beginning of any hashtag has this sign (#). Hashtags are used to mention copy topics.

For example, if you are writing copy for a fashion brand, you can use the hashtag (#fashion).

It is highly recommended that you use hashtags in your social media post copy because they will help you increase the reach of your post.

Let’s discuss the best practices for choosing and using hashtags.

  • The first step is research. Use the platform where you will use the hashtag. For example, if you are posting on Instagram, go to the search bar, click tags, and type your topic. It will show all relevant hashtags below.
  • The best practice is to write at least six hashtags. Use three hashtags with a huge volume, then choose three hashtags specific to my topic, but they should have enough search volume.
  • Use 2 or 1 hashtag in your headline’s first 50 characters, and use the rest of the hashtags after or at the caption end.
  • Bonus tip: stalk your competitor on how they use hashtags and what type of hashtags they use.


If I posted a photo of a chocolate cupcake, a popular tag I would use would be:

  • #instafood (#instafood = 150,000,000+ posts)
  • #chocolatecupcake (#chocolatecupcake = 200,000+ posts)
  • Then a niche keyword would be: #veganchocolatecupcakes (#veganchocolatecupcakes = 1,000+ posts)

Make it Simple


Follow the Kiss Rule, which means “Keep it simple sweet.” Remember that when you write copy for social media, do not use jargon or hard words because it’s impossible for all readers to be highly efficient reading in the language you selected to write your copy.


Let’s discuss how you can use the Kiss rule in Social media copywriting.

  • The first rule is to write to the point, don’t confuse your audience, and use concise sentences.
  • Use bullet points and avoid writing long paragraphs.
  • Be conversational when writing your copy like you are talking to your targeted audience.
  • Focus on key benefits because people want to buy their problem solution.
body copy

Use all social Channels Properly

As you know, there are multiple social media channels in digital media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc. So, to write copy for each channel, I suggest you understand each channel thoroughly.

For example:

  • As you know, LinkedIn is a Pure B2B social channel, so if you are a purely B2B business, you have to prioritize using it.
  • Tiktok is a video-sharing platform with a completely different audience than Linkedin. You can use it better if you are an influencer or B2C brand.
  • Twitter is purely a news-sharing platform where people follow trends and use it as a news-sharing platform.

 So, as per the above examples, make a strategy for each platform and poetize social channels according to your brand.

For example:

If you are a software Development Company, LinkedIn should be your first priority. On the other hand, if you are an FMCG brand, all channels should be your priority, as you will have a large audience.

Proper Use of CTA


CTA stands for the call to action. The final touch point determines what action you want your audience to take after reading your copy. You craft your CTA depending on your post purpose, whether you want your target audience to fill out a lead form, like or subscribe to your page, or checkout.

Let’s discuss the best practices for using CTA.

  • The first thing to do is not use multiple CTAs in your post. Give only one CTA at a time.
  • Create a sense of urgency by mentioning time sensitivity or scarcity factor.
  • Test the CTA word variations that engage most and use the winner after testing.

Four Factors of Social Media Post Copy


There are four factors you should follow when you are writing your post copy for social media. Let’s discuss each factor one by one:


Remember, everyone wants to buy a solution to their problem. So, the best way is to play with your audience’s emotions. Businesses that pair the outcomes with their audience’s emotions will get great engagement (i.e., solve your audience’s frustration—watch infomercials for examples of this!).


People like to engage more with brands with good social clout. This includes your page or channel subscribers or followers, customer reviews, and Outcomes/sales/total customers (e.g., 100k+ customers worldwide).


You have to mention what makes your product or service better or different from others. Will it attract the target market? Use benefits, facts, and a sales price (using an upfront price can save wasted clicks).


Relevancy is most important in copywriting if you want to enhance your engagement. Because there are many posts that serve a single purpose across the digital media. Make your copy relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you are cocking oil brand so your prime target audience will be married women, so make copies for them and use words that will attract them.

Bonus Tip

All right, now that all seven tips have been finished, I hope you have learned how to write social media post copy that helps you enhance engagement.

Now, this is the time to discuss the bonus tip. I have been working as a digital marketing expert for many years. Many people know about social media copywriting but do not know which type of post or content works better to engage the audience.

To help you create better posts and improve your overall social media strategy, I have compiled a list of 6 techniques for crafting posts that enhance engagement rates.

Let’s discuss the following:

  • If you are posting photos or videos, use your own high-resolution visuals. Do not use stock photos and videos.
  • Create a post where your product is being used. This is a powerful way to tell your brand story.
  • Show your brand behind the scenes through videos or posts. This is another way to enhance your post engagement.
  • Remember the power of hashtags. Do research on search social networks about the relevant hashtags related to your copy. You will find a lot of hashtags. Get an idea of which hashtags you can incorporate in your copy.
  • Posts that consist of Quotes get more engagement than normal posts. So my advice is to post Quotes as a social media post. Share funny, inspiring, and popular quotes.
  • Memes are also the best way to enhance engagement, so post memes relevant to your brand.
  • The last tip is to post relevant new things daily. For example (What’s in my bag, Good habits, Daily routine, something you love or want, Technology, Childhood memory, etc.).

I have tried to give you the best ideas that will enhance your post-engagement, but do not stick with that. Use brainstorming to find new ideas, test variations, and optimize your strategy.



So here is the time to conclude. I have tried my best to transfer my knowledge to you, and I hope you have learned many new things about enhancing your engagement rate through Social media copywriting.

In this blog, I have discussed seven tips and one bonus tip.

First, I have taught you about USP (Unique Selling Point), how to create it, and how to use it in social media posts or ad copy.

After this, I have guided you on how you can write the perfect headlines for your social media post or ad copy.

In the third tip, I mentioned how to use hashtags in your social media post copy and how to find the find best hashtag.

In 4th tip, I discussed the Kiss rule: Keep it simple and sweet.

In 5th tip, I have shown how you can use different social media channels for different purposes.

In the sixth tip, I discussed CTA (Call to action), how to use it in your social media post copy, and the best practices for using CTA.

In the 7th tip, you have learned four factors you should follow to make your post or ad.

The last tip was a bonus tip. I told you which type of post can enhance your engagement.

At the end of this blog, I want to ask you to share your experience in the comments if you like the knowledge you gained from it.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this blog, feel free to email me. Please support us by sharing this blog and liking and following our social media channels. Thanks smile.