Are you a business owner/startup who wants to grow your B2C business?

Are you a copywriter or marketer working with B2C clients?

Do you want to know how to write perfect copy for a B2C business that grabs attention and appeals to your target audience?

If your answer is yes, this blog is for you cool.

Because today, I will reveal my secret 9 B2C copywriting tips, which I have been using for 5 years to make an attention-grabbing copy for my B2C clients.

By incorporating those 9 tips in your copy, you can scale your conversion rate 10X.

So, let’s discuss my 9 B2C copywriting tips one by one.

B2C Copy content plan using 4 steps:


My first tip for you is all about your copy content plan.

It is important for you. When you are writing copy at that time, the content plan helps you a lot.

It saves time you waste thinking about how to start, what the first heading should be, etc.

There are four steps you should follow to make an effective content plan.

Let’s discuss each one by one.

Understanding of product or service


The first and most important thing is knowing your product or service well before working on your copy.

Do research or use your product or service by yourself.

Analyze and write how your product or service helps users to eliminate their pain or problem.



In the second step, differentiate your product or service and describe how it differs from other solutions.

Write down its USP (Unique selling point), unique features, and benefits that other products do not have.

Include credibility:


In step three, Use user reviews to enhance your product or service credibility.

It will help you build trust, but if you have a new product or service, give a free sample to your friend or other general audience and ask them to write a review for you.

Include those reviews in your copy.



The last step is the CTA call to action. Research your call to action. Which word can you use as a call to action?

Use words that create urgency to encourage users to buy your product ASAP.

Example of Content plan structure using these 4 steps:

content plan

With the help of these four steps, you can make a content plan because, after it, you will have a clear idea about your product or service.

The first 2 steps will help you write about benefits and tell your audience how you differ from others.

The third step will help to add a credibility factor to your copy.

With the help of the fourth step, you can effectively tell your target audience what to do next.

Competitor research:

Your competitors are your best teachers. Whenever I am stuck in research, I get help from my competitors.

To do competitor research, do these things:

  • First, list your top 3 competitors already working on the same product or service as yours. Visit their website and social media platforms.
  • Analyze their landing pages and social media posts. Analyze the structure of their landing pages and what kind of tone of voice they use.
  • Use tools like Facebook ads library Semruch , Ahrefs to check their ad copies, keywords, visuals, etc. These tools will help you analyze their social media and SEO.  

Finally, you can make your copy better than theirs by doing this.

But do not use the copy-paste approach. Refine your copy by filling in the gaps they miss. In that way, you can enhance the quality of your copy.


Use powerful words

For persuasive communication, your word choice is very important.

Use certain verbs and phrases in your copy that help grab the reader’s attention.

Let’s simplify it and discuss approaches that will help you write copy with powerful words.

Words that create urgency:

Urgency is the factor that helps you enhance your conversion rate. Nowadays, competition is very high in the digital landscape, and it’s challenging for brands to get conversions.

There are many words used to create urgency.

Some of them are:

  • Deadline.
  • Limited time.
  • Instantly.
  • Valid for today.

Words that evoke emotions

Use emotional words in your copy. According to 3 universal ads, persuasive approaches (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos).

The Approach that refers to emotional appeal, pathos, is more powerful than the other two, ethos and logos.

Emotional words can play a great role in building relationships with your target audience.

Examples of some emotional words you can use in your copy are:

  • Change.
  • Dangerous.
  • Exciting.
  • Successful.


Landing Page Opening Structure

Opening the structure of the landing page is very important because 80% of users bounce back if they do not find any value at the start.

It is not easy to write an opening copy. After much research, I found 4 four-step formulas that helped me write my blog opening.

I am sharing the formula you should use to write your copy opening.

This formula is known as the OPITS formula:


It stands for (Opening) sentence. Here, you can ask questions, mention Statistics, or tell stories that build curiosity in the reader’s mind.

Remember, your opening should grab the reader’s attention. It should show that this blog or page will help them eliminate their pain or problem.


P stands for (Problems) that your reader faces. In the opening, whether you are using statistics, stories, or curiosity statements, It should contain the problem statement that your readers are facing.


I stand for Invalidate all other solutions. Realize your reader that this (your product or service) is the only solution to help them solve their problem.


TS stands for (Tease Solution) without giving all away to solve the reader’s problem.

Use this formula to write your landing opening. This formula will help you engage your reader, enhance the interest factor in your copy, and engage your reader to read more.

Look at the great example of the blog opening mentioned on the

Blog opening

Headline Structure

The headline is your copy’s first touch point, whether it’s for social media ads, Google search ads, print ads, organic posts, blogs, etc.
If your headline fails to engage the readers, it is worse because you will lose the money spent on your ads in case of organic effort, whether it is organic posts or search engine page organic results, etc; no one takes the next step to choose you.
Because the digital world is full of competition, it’s hard to stand out. It isn’t easy to understand how to write the perfect headline. Many experts suggest using the emotional factor is the best way to craft a headline, and some think the pricing is the main factor.

Avoid complicated suggestions. Use the formula I have been using for 05 years to create my headlines.

The formula I have been using for 05 years is the one developed by Michael Masterson, and the formula name is the Four U formula.

Let’s discuss this formula in detail:


First, U of this formula stands for unique. It said that your headline should be unique from others. For example, you can use a unique factor by using your USP in your headline.


The second U is Urgent. It is all about the urgency factor. By using this, you can enhance your CTR click-through rate. For example, use a phrase that creates urgency, such as limited stock left or an offer valid only for today.


Third U is useful. It said your headline should contain useful information that helps your reader understand that you know their pain or problem and that your product or service can solve their pain or problem.

Ultra specific

Fourth U is ultra-specific. It said that your headline should focus on a specific audience and only mention relevant people. For example, you are a teacher providing English learning classes only for beginners, so write in a way that focuses on beginners.

Write for your Audience


Your B2C copy should be written for your Audience. Include beneficial information related to their problem or pain in your copy. Use the 80% 20% rule of copywriting. According to this rule, 80% of your copy focuses on the Audience, and the rest, 20% of the copy you can use to talk about yourself and your brand.

Incorporate visual

Visuals are very important to grab the target audience’s attention. According to the research, visuals are 90% more effective than words. So, in your copy, you should use high-quality visuals.

The tone of voice

The tone of voice is very important for your brand communication. You have to know your brand’s nature and which problem or pain it solves. It will help you to create a better tone of voice for your overall communication.

Suppose your product is a back pain remover machine. So, your tone of voice should be logical and emotional.

You can choose many factors to create a tone of voice for your brand communication.

It depends on whether you want to pick the scarcity or emotional factors, sadness, worry, etc.

It’s up to you. Remember that your copy must follow your tone of voice, which should be based on the factor you choose (scarcity or emotional factors, sadness, worry, etc.), and your tone of voice should be consistent on all platforms.

Bonus tip

Every successful B2C copy must have 4 factors in it. Let’s discuss each one by one:


  1. Outcome: Pair your outcomes with prospect emotions because people want to buy the solution to their problem.
  2. Credibility: one of the biggest factors that help you build trust in your copy ad credibility factors like total happy clients, testimonials, celebrity endorsements, etc.
  3. Features: There is huge competition for every niche on all advertisement networks, so add uniqueness to your product or service and how it differs. It may be your price, benefits, etc, and state the facts in your copy.
  4. Relevance: Your B2C copy must be relevant to your target audience. Be specific and to the point in your copy, and stay focused on your prospect problem.


So, guys, here is where this small blog ends. I hope you have enough knowledge about B2C copywriting. I have tried my best to transfer my knowledge, but if you need clarification, please email us or ask questions in our community.

In conclusion, one of the most important things you can do is ensure your copy focuses on the customer. To truly connect with your audience, you must be authentic.

A great way to get started is by asking yourself, “How can I improve this?” Be sure to keep the focus on your ideal reader and think about what they might respond to and which words, phrases, or actions would resonate with them most.

As you make changes, test your copy and use A/B testing to see what resonates most with your audience. When crafting your message, be sure to take note of the elements of copy that resonated with your audience and what words, phrases, or actions helped to create those moments.