Are your Google ads not performing well?

Have you been looking for guidance that can help you write compelling Google ad copy?

If Your Answer is Yes cool!

So you are at the right place. Because today I am going to guide you how you can write better googel ads copy that will help you to get leads from your first day.

Let’s talk about the importance of Google Ads.

Google is the only platform where users perform an average of 2.3 million searches per second. This platform provides the most intent-full audience because Google is a search engine, and people search specific queries on Google.

Almost 78% of marketers use Google ads to promote their products or services, and 33% of mobile ad spending goes to Google.

However, there is a chance you may not get the expected result from your Google ads because Google always focuses on quality content that serves its users.

There is also huge competition on Google, with many advertisers competing against each other to win the first spot.

So, if you want better results, you must remember that the copy of your Google ads should be attention-grabbing and address the pain or problem of your target audience.

This blog will teach you how to create quality copy for your Google ads that resonate with your target audience and encourage them to take action.

The Google Ads copywriting techniques that you will learn in this blog will help you enhance your lead flow.

Note: Read this blog until the end because each concept is connected to the next one. So, to get complete knowledge, ensure that you read the entire blog. Topic

Introduction (How goggle ads works).


User Mindset (Know your target audience).


How to write headlines copy.


How to write description copy.


How to write Landing page copy.

Introduction (How Google ads work)

Google is the world’s largest search engine in terms of advertising. It offers two major advertising networks.

  1. Display network.
  2. Search network.

Display Network

According to Google, the Google display network includes more than 2 million apps, websites, and online video sites on which display ads can be run.

With the help of Google display ads, you can show your ads in a particular context, e.g.(“outdoor lifestyle, travel lovers”). It’s enough for you to acknowledge its importance that the Google display network reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide.

Search Network

Google’s search engine is based on search keywords. Search ads are the most effective than other ad types on different platforms. Search ads appear on Google Search and Google Partner search-related websites and apps.

So, these are two networks where Google ads appear, but within these networks, Google offers different types of ad campaigns as per advertiser needs, such as:

  • Search ads campaign.
  • Display ads campaign.
  • Video ads campaign.
  • Shopping ads campaign.
  • App campaign.
  • Local campaign.
  • Smart campaign.
  • Performance max campaign.
  • Discovery campaign.

Now, I hope you have a clear idea of Google’s ad basics, including the two major advertising networks and the search campaigns Google offers.

So, without wasting time, let’s discuss how Google ads work.

Google ads work on an auction model. There are millions of advertisers on Google, but the best thing is that Google offers equal opportunity to all. So do not be afraid of competition.

Even if you have a budget of $10 per day, you can get leads. Just serve users, provide value, and address your target audience’s pain or problem.

Google offers advertisers two types of bid strategies:

  1. Manual bidding
  2. Automated bidding.

Under the umbrella of these bidding strategies, Google offers different types of bidding models, which you can choose according to your goal.

Types of biding model

  • CPC (Cost per click).
  • CPV (Cost per view).
  • CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions).
  • Target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).
  • CPA (Cost per Acquisition).
  • Maximize Clicks.
  • Enhanced CPC.
  • Target Outranking share.

Google Ads Mechanism

So, I have given you enough knowledge about Google ads, how they work, and what a Google ad is. Now, Let’s take an example of how Google (Search ads) auction works so you will be clear about the complete procedure of the Google Ads mechanism.

Before going deep down into the mechanism, I would like to show you some essential factors that play a significant role in spotting your ads on Google.

There are three essential factors Google sees before spotting your ad they are:

  • Quality Score.
  • CPC.
  • Ad rank.

Quality Score

As I said in the beginning, Google always focuses on quality content. So, this factor is all about the quality of content, and by improving your quality score, you can save on ad spending. Quality score is based on three factors:

  1. CTR: It stands for click-through rate. It calculates how many times your ad is shown on Google and how many times users click on it. If your CTR is high, your quality ad will improve.
  2. Relevance: Your landing page should be relevant to your ad. For example, if you are discussing red roses in your ad copy, the body of the copy should focus on red roses.
  3. Landing page quality/ Experience: It’s all about user experience. It depends on the loading speed of your web bounce rate, navigation, and content.


The cost per click is the second most important factor. In other words, it is how much you can pay for one click or action.

Ad Rank

AD rank is the number provided by Google, which determines where your ad will show on the SERP (Search Engine Page Result).

Let’s take the example of a Search ads auction:


  1. For Ad Rank: Ad Rank= CPC Bid x Quality Score.
  2. How Google Charge from You for 1st spot: Actual CPC= Ad Rank (below yours)/ Your Quality Score +$ 0.01.

Suppose three advertisers (Joye, Viney,  Sam, and David) are Bidding on the exact keywords.


Quality Score Max Bid Ad Rank Actual CPC
Joye 10 $2 20 16/10+$0.01= $1.61
Viney 4 $4 16 12/4+$0.01= $3.01
Sam 2 $6 12 8/2+$0.01= $4.01
David 1 $8 8 Highest CPC

User mindset

Knowing your target audience before writing ad copy for any ad campaign is essential. Because without knowing your target audience, you can’t craft ad copy that resonates with them.

Two easy ways will help you to know your target audience’s mindset:

  1. Search query Analysis.
  2. Competitive research.

Search query Analysis

Search query Analysis is the most helpful way to understand the user mindset. For this, we have to focus on how users search and what their intent is behind their search.

Let’s take the example of Queries based on different search intents:

Types of Query

Buyer Psyche/Intent Example of furniture shop
Answer to the question Problem Based “office chairs with lumbar support”
The Question itself Explicit direct “How can I fix my back problems from sitting all day?”
Description of problem Symptom based “My back hurts at work”
Description of cause Symptom based “my back hurts because I sit for too long in an uncomfortable desk chair”
Brand name/Product Part Direct / Educated ABC Shop Max Mid Back Task Chair
Informational Query Awareness Stage/ Uninformed “online desk chairs” “websites that sell office chairs”

Based on search intent, you can understand the different stages of your target audience and how they search about the pain or problem they are facing.

This research will help you craft copy that addresses the pain or problem of your target audience and provides appropriate solutions in the form of your product or service.

Competitor Research

Competitor research should be your key focus to know your user mindset because competitors are your best teachers.

To perform competitor research, you need to work step by step:

  • First, find top brands working in your niche.
  • Use tools like Semrush to check their active ads.
  • Check how they write headlines for different search intent.

By following these steps, you will get a clear idea of how big brands work in your niche and use ads persuasively to attract users.

After getting ideas, start working on your own Google Ad copy with the help of competitors’ ad copy. Try to enhance the quality of words that will increase your CTR in simple words Quality score.

Here is the foundation completed. Now, I am confident that you have a clear idea about Google ads’ mechanism and how to complete your user mindset research for Google ads copy.

Now, let’s discuss beneficial tips on how you can write your own copy for your Google ads.


So, without wasting time, let’s start. I know you are ready.

How to Write Headlines For Google Ads


The headline is the first touchpoint users see when interacting with your ad, and 70% of ads do not get a good CTR because of poor headlines.

Many advertisers spot their ads in a single niche and wish their ad to be in the first position, so your ad headline should be persuasive.

The best, easiest way to write headlines is using the 4U copywriting formula. This formula contains 4U’s, which are (Unique, Urgent, Useful, Ultra specific). Let’s briefly discuss how to use each U while writing a headline.


  • Your headline should be unique, but do it after your competitor research.
  • The pro tip is to use your USP in your headline.
  • Focus and be specific to the point.
  • Focus on the emotional and psychological aspects. Use key pain points. For example, if you are in the SAS-based industry, timeline and cost are big factors, so use them.


  • Urgency is the key to getting more leads, so incorporate a sense of urgency in your headline.
  • You can use some urgent and scarce CTAs, like 50% off, Offer valid only for today, few items left, etc.

Use full:

  • Your headline must be useful for the reader.
  • Include the benefits of your product or service in your headline.

Ultra Specific

  • Your headline should be ultra-specific for your target audience.
  • If you sell English learning for beginners courses, your headline should focus on this specific audience.
  • People love to recognize them, so recognize them in your headline.

Remember: Google allows you to add 30 characters to each headline, but spaces also count here. I recommend you use the full length. The headline must include a keyword or phrase specific to your target audience.

How to write a description

The description is the same as the SEO meta description shown in the headline below. In your Google ads description, use words that enforce your headline. Let’s discuss some steps to help you write a perfect description.

  • Add measurable objectives in your description, such as 300+ business and 20 years in business.
  • Use the extension to enhance the length of your description.
  • Include keywords and phrases that are specific.
  • Check Google’s blog to see how they teach you to write descriptions.

So, these are some tips for writing ad descriptions. Let’s move to the landing page and discuss how to write perfect landing page copy.

How to write copy for landing page

A landing page is the backbone. Here, you describe the solution you offer in detail and mention your final touch point, where the client decides whether to buy your solution or not.

There are some tips you have to keep in mind while you are working on landing page copy.

Let’s discuss them one by one.

Tips to follow:

  • Always focus on one conversion action (CTA). Do not confuse readers.
  • Follow the copywriting kiss rule. Keep it simple and sweet.
  • Do not use long paragraphs. Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings.
  • Focus on benefits, which refers to the pains or problems your product or service resolves.
  • If you do not know how to build page flow, you can use tools like Click funnel, Unbounce, Instapage, etc.

Note: Read my 15 copywriting tips to learn more about the rules you should follow when writing landing page copy.



So here’s the blog’s final chapter. I hope you have gained a good amount of knowledge. If you are confused at any point, feel free to shoot me an email. In this blog, I have discussed five main points you need to know to make good Google ads.


  • The first step is all about introduction, where I tell you about Google ads and how they work. After this, I guide you through how you can save your money by improving your Quality score.
  • The second step covers user mindset, which is essential to make your ads copy where. I have taught you two simple rules: competitive research and search query analysis.
  • The third, fourth, and fifth steps cover how to write persuasive copy for your headline, descriptions, and landing page.