Have you struggled with writing a copy that resonates deeply and drives action?

Do you want to know a copywriting formula that helps you get more leads?

If Yes!

So be ready because today I am going to discuss with you an amazing copywriting formula, Before After Bridge (BAB), that will level up your copywriting skills.

It does not matter whether you’re a new copywriter/marketer or an entrepreneur. This blog is for everyone who wants to improve their copywriting skills.

So, are you ready to transform your copywriting skills?

If Yes, Let’s dive in!

What is the Before After Bridge Copywriting Model?


If you want to sell something to your ideal customer, you must offer them a solution that can trigger their pain or pleasure! then BAB

( Before after bridge Copywriting Model) can be a game-changer for you.

It allows you to convey your message to your audience by touching their pain and pleasure senses.

BAB is a kind of copywriting formula which you can use to:

  • Show customers a problem that they are currently facing
  • The solution to a problem they are facing.
  • Imagine after the solution, they will get relief.

Understand (Yes/No)?

If No, you are still trying to understand it.

Don’t worry.

I am going to explain it in detail with practical examples so you can better understand it.

Let’s take an example: The product of Weight Loss tea.


BEFORE  Your Target Audience is fatty people who want to get slime ( Problem exists)

AFTER     They use your weight loss tea to get slimed( Solution)

BRIDGE   After using your product, they get slimed ( Problem Solved)


In this entire example, you can use obesity as the main problem, which you can point out in your ad copy. Then, you can show your product as a solution, and in the end, you can show the final results after using your product.

How to use the BAB Formula?

As I already showed you how the copy bridge works, I’ll now give you a little bit more clarity about the BAB formula so you can understand it better.

Well, BAB copywriting relies on identifying your ideal customer problem to which your ideal audience can easily relate. Then, you will give your solution in an emotional and friendly manner so they can buy your product.

As you already know, BAB consists of three stages:

  • Before
  • After
  • Bridge


In this stage, you will show your ideal customer a problem they’re currently facing while creating a sense of fear about the problem so they become scared and want to solve it.


In this stage now, you have to show your ideal audience a kind of world or a solution where their problem doesn’t exist so they feel calm and peaceful when they think about that kind of world.


In this stage, you can demonstrate your product as a solution to their problem. You can show them that your product is the only solution that can solve their problem and also try to tell them about the calm experience they will get once their problem is solved by using your product.

How does the BAB Formula Work in Practice?

BAB copywriting formula is so powerful because it quickly accomplishes three things that boost conversions:

  • Evoke Emotions
  • Build Intrigue
  • Focus on Benefits

Evoke Emotions

When your ideal customer identifies their main problem, then your copy must connect with them by generating feelings of doubt, worry, or anxiety.


When your knife is not good, you constantly fear cutting your fingers.

 Build Intrigue

When you give the solution to your audience’s problem, they feel calm and worry-free, so they can connect with your product and want to get the desired solution.


When you don’t have to worry about your knife, you can cut vegetables more effectively in less time and do other tasks.

Focus on benefits

Before-after-bridge copywriting models are so effective because they mainly focus on benefits instead of facts and features. In this stage, you have to tell your audience how your product will benefit them so they can feel blessed with it.


A new, sharp, high-quality knife with a safety handle can help you quickly and safely work in the kitchen.

How Can BAB Copywriting Technique Help Marketers?


If you’re a marketer or a digital marketer and feel that your copywriting doesn’t appeal to your audience and you’re running a cold campaign, this BAB method can help you.

  • Help to connect with your audience initially.

If you’re a digital marketer and want to promote  your product through cold marketing, you have first to build a kind of relationship with your audience, and this Before After Bridge copywriting formula will help you 

  • Help You to Build Trust

Once you connect with your audience, you must build trust in their hearts. With BAB’s help, you can evoke emotions in their hearts so they can emotionally connect with your copy and trust you.

Example of BAB Copywriting Formula

I hope you can better understand how the Before After Bridge formula works. If you do not, this example will clear all your doubts because I’m giving you a practical example to help you understand it better.


BAB Copywriting Formula for Weight Loss Drink Product


  • Ideal Customer: Who has a fatty body (problem).
  • Product: Weight loss Drink.
  • Problem: Obesity.
  • Solution: Weight Loss Drink.


Hey, are you a fatty person? If yes, then we know you are tired of your obesity. Being a fatty person, you might face less attention from others because everyone thinks that you look ugly. You can’t wear your favorite clothes, and you always have less confidence when you go to any event just because of your chubby body.


Just think about a world where you have a slim body, you look attractive, and everyone wants to be your friend because you have a gorgeous slim body. You can go anywhere confidently because you have a beautiful, slim body.


Our Weight Loss drink can help you get your desired slim body so you can go anywhere confidently. It will help you lose 7 kg in just 29 days without hard work, so you can wear your favorite clothes and look attractive, which is what you want. So what are you waiting for? Buy now!



I hope you enjoy this article and learn about the before-and-after bridge model. After reading this article, I hope you know what a before-and-after Bridge is.

In this article, I tried to explain all the necessary things about the BAB copywriting model. Still, if you have any confusion or want to know more about BAB, feel free to let us know in the comment box.