
Do you know how to write web copy that sells? If you don’t, you are missing lots of leads.

Do you want to improve the website copy that helps you increase your lead flow?

Have you ever seen website copywriting best practices by following them? Do many websites get 10X leads as compared to their competitors?

Because of less information about copywriting, many business owners, startups, and entrepreneurs do not know which web copy is best for their website, which helps them to improve their business flow.

In this guide, I will show you the top 12 website copywriting tips that you can follow to improve your website user and the conversion flow. By using those techniques, you will get rid of bad SEO techniques and irrelevant myths about copywriting.

Kiss Rule

The term kiss stands for “Keep it simple stupid.” it is an important tip you must follow while writing your website copy.

This rule says that you should be simple and straightforward in your web copy. It should be understandable never to use big words and confusing terms within the copy.

Write your website copy in a way that persuades the straightforward message. But always remember that your copy’s end goal is to convert the customer.

It is not necessary that your web copy only converts users to pay. It depends on your goal. It may be a form submission, Signup, etc.

You must write your copy for your audience, not for search engines. According to the study, an average person has an eighth-grade reading level.

So be conversational in your web copy. Write it in simple language. Write as you are talking with the reader.

copywriting quotes

Benefits baby

People like to know how your products or services can remove their pain or solve their problems which they are looking for in your website.

In your website copywriting, where you describe your product or service on that part, focus on benefits that help them judge better your product or service.

But do not forget features are also important when it comes to users, which are in consideration.

The copy that focuses on benefits generates more fruitful results than the copy that focuses on product or service features.

Include benefits that help your ideal customer to save time and enhance their productivity, reliability, etc.

Pro Tip about Benefits 🔥:

● Two main benefits, first-time saving and cost-effectiveness, include them in your copy of how your product helps them save time and cost.

● Do not bother them with a lot of features.

● Include social proof of how your product or service helped users, along with sales promotions and exclusive offers.

david ogilvy quotes

Write For Your Audience

Remember that you write website copy for your audience. Be sure you have researched your audience, who they are, what they like, their demographics, etc. There are three types of audiences for every niche:

● TOFU this term stands For Top of the funnel. This type of audience falls in those who don’t know anything, or you can consider them a completely unaware audience.

● MOFU, this term stands for the middle of the funnel. This type of audience falls into those who are aware but do not know how to solve their specific demand or problem.

● BOFU, this term stands for the bottom of the funnel. There are three types of falls at the bottom of the funnel.

  1. Knows the end solution of their specific demand.
  2.  Knows the end solution along with knowing who can fulfill their demand. For example, They know you and your competitors if they want to develop a website.
  3.  the Third type of BOFU audience is those who know everything. They may have done a lot of research, or in some cases, they are also from the same field.

Make sure your copy fulfills the needs of all three types of audiences. Let’s understand it through the AIDA model example. This model gives you a clear understanding of the customer stages we discussed.

buyer journey

80-20 percent rule

This rule is essential whenever you are working on a website copywriting project while you work on your web copy.

Remember that 80% of the copy should focus on customer pain or problems they are facing. 20% discuss about you, which is essential for them to know.

Competitive analysis

You do not have any need to reinvent the wheel. Your competitors teach you a lot. The same rule applies to website copywriting, analyze your top three competitors and their web pages deep down.

Remember, search engines rank the best websites in a top position, get ideas from their website copy and try to make more comprehensive web copy than they are using. If you are a subject expert, try to add new things not covered in your competitor’s website copy.

Otherwise, you must research the topic you are covering and not write false or irrelevant information in your website copy because quantity does not matter. Quality matters. So always do complete research, and after that, write your website copy based on your research and keep competitor content in your mind.

Some tools can also help you to improve your copy which are:

Ahrefs (Content explorer in Ahrefs helps you find the best topics around the search engine that are in demand.

 Surferseo (This tool is best for SEO analysis. It helps to find keyword density, word count, and other important things useful for on-page analysis).

Write Perfect Headline

The perfect headline is the foundation of your website copywriting. It is the first touch point for the user to decide whether they should read further or not.

So writing a perfect headline using the OPITS formula help to grab user attention and convince them to read the full article.

So the question is, what is OPITS?

  • O stands for Opening Sentence. You can start with Story, Asking questions, Statistics, or Curiosity.
  • P stands for the problem here. You can write about the problem your audience is facing or a statement that points to their current pain.
  • I stand for invalidate. Make or prove (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous.
  • TS stands for tease solution in this point, and you can write a problem-solving statement which they can get by reading website copy.

Pro-tip for headlines:

  • Don’t be clever when you are writing a headline.
  • Focus and be specific to the point.
  • Clarity terms creativity.

Let’s discuss Examples of perfect headlines:

In this example, I am showing you different headline examples, one that is attention-grabbing and another that fails to grab the user’s attention.

16 tips of website copywriting for writing the perfect headline for your website copy {11th is hottest}

Sixteen tips for website copywriting those convert users to click on CTA.

David Ogilvy, father of advertisement, said:


david ogilvy quotes

Keep SEO In Mind

It is essential for you that your website copy should rank better on SERP Search Engine Page Results. Follow SEO best practices that help you to gain a good position on SERP.

Write a perfect Meta title that helps you to get good CTR (Click through Rate). The second most important thing is Meta description.

Write the best words that give the user a clear idea of the article. Use infographics within the article and unique images but not stock photos if you can, and remember to mention alt tags in the pictures in the anchor line.

SEO essential factors you should focus on in your webite copywriting:

  • Do not use too much keyword stuffing in your content. Write naturally.
  • Write the title by following character limits of 70 characters.
  • Write a Meta description of not more than 156 characters.
  • Write a perfect slug by using a short name.
  • Use perfect hierarchy in your content in terms of heading H1-H5. Write the main heading in the h1 tag, then use other heading sizes according to the content.
  • Upload site map on Google webmaster.
  • Use relevant resources where needed.
  • Add schema markup.

Attention-Grabbing CTA:

CTA stands for the call to action in website copywriting. We use this to tell the user what is next or what you want from them to do the action.

Clear CTA is essential in your web copy. Use attention-grabbing words in your CTA and use appealing colors.

If you want to write a perfect CTA for your content, you have to test multiple attention-grabbing words and, after this, track those CTA with the help of the Google analytics tool.

By using this practice, you will be capable of knowing which CTA is working better for you.

List of Attention-grabbing CTAs:

  • Buy now.
  • Start now.
  • Shop now.
  • Get 20% off for today.
  • Get a free consultation.
  • Book an appointment.
  • Claim your discount.

But remember, along with attention-grabbing words, also test different color variations. Because every color has its uniqueness.

There is something which is called color psychology, and it has been proved that different colors have different values:

  • Red color defines excitement, Strength, Love, and Energy.
  • Blue color represents Trust, Peace, Loyalty, and Competence.
  • Black color represents Formality, Dramatic, Sophistication, and Security.
  • The white color represents Clean, Simplicity, Innocence, and honesty.


Red Pen Rule (Proof Reading)

Red Pen Rule helps us to deliver the correct actionable website copy to our audience. You can work on this practice when you think that your website copywriting has been done, review it again, and delete all unessential things from a web copy that are difficult.

This practice ensures that your copy is simple and clear without too much information confusing your audience.

A short copy with attention-grabbing words and action statements focusing on benefits can generate more conversions than a long copy with many words.

It is essential to give customers the relevant information they are looking for. While working on your website, copy in first everyone trying to cover complete details. In that phase, we write everything we think should be in our web copy.

But your thoughts don’t need to be always right. After completing your work, read other best website copies and after that, proofread yours and then delete all irrelevant words, and you have done.


copywriting quotes

Be as long as Short as you need

Sometimes we need a long website copy because of content needs, or sometimes the short copy is enough.

Do not worry about this writer for your user and give them complete information but remember they don’t lose interest while reading your message.

So if your website copywriting is long that you think needed to deliver complete information to the user so, follow these practices:

  • Break it into a short paragraph, including headings and subheadings.
  • Include bullet points and add quotes.
  • Include images and infographics.


Use Social Proof

Social proof helps you to make your website copy more attention-grabbing because it helps the user a lot.

Before buying, people love to know about product or service reviews, awards, and referrals. Social proof helps a brand’s product or service increase its visibility and credibility.

Suppose you are searching for the perfect headphones for yourself, and you have two websites once that don’t have reviews.

The second one has reviews, so you will go for the second one because it is trusted by other users you can see in its reviews section.

PRO Tip:

Whenever you ask your customer to write a review for your product or service before and after the formula, it helps the review appear more appealing compared to normal reviews.

In simple words, the before and after formula is before your client XYZ problem, and after using your product or service, they have gotten rid of that problem.



Knowledge of tools

Knowledge of tools is very important in copywriting nowadays. There are a lot of tools available in the market that can help you to write perfect landing page copy.

A list of tools that help you to improve your copy is:


Grammarly tool helps you to write correctly. By using this tool, you can write perfect grammar. This tool suggests where you are making grammatical mistakes.

In addition, this tool provides you with different modes, whether you are working on informational, academic, or business content.

This tool is paid, but the free version of this tool can also help you in various ways.


Answer The Public

Answer The Public tool helps you to find public-generated queries according to your topic. This is helpful because your main focus is to solve the audience problem in your Landing page copy.

You can use this tool by entering simple keywords. This tool will give you a lot of topics that are asked by the audience. Cover those queries in your website landing page copy.

It helps your content to perform better on SERP.

Marketing examples

Marketing examples help you to get ideas about the conversion of different copies. Moreover, this is completely free. This tool won product number one in 2022 on the product hunt, and this is the biggest library of copywriting across the digital globe.


In this blog, I have mentioned 12 website copywriting tips that will help you to improve your website conversion flow. This blog’s first tip is the kiss rule which means keep it simple and stupid we use this term to give users complete information in simple words.

The second tip is benefits, baby. Here, I have mentioned pro tips that help you to write benefits. In this tip, I have guided you on how benefits are important for your website copy and the importance of features in your copy.

In the third tip, I have guided you to write for your audience. At the start, I mentioned audience research that you should know about your audience. Further, I have discussed three types of audience TOFU top of the funnel, which does not know anything. The second MOFU is in the middle of the funnel, which is in the consideration part, and the third one is BOOFU bottom of the funnel, which is the most aware audience. They know everything.

In the fourth tip, where I have mentioned the 80% 20% rule in this tip I have discussed that 80% of your web copy should focus on the user, and in 20%, you can discuss things about yourself that are essential for them to know.

In the fifth tip, I have discussed competitive analysis, where I have discussed how important competitors are and which tools you can use to get an idea about website copywriting.

In the sixth tip, I discussed how to write a perfect headline. Where you can see an example of a perfect headline and which factors you should consider while writing a headline; in addition, I have discussed the OPITS formula, which helps you write the perfect headline.

In the seventh tip, I discussed keeping SEO in mind, mentioning important SEO factors like Meta description title tag sitemap submission.

In eight tips, I have discussed Attention grabbing CTA, how to write CTA and what important things you should focus on while writing CTA. In addition, I have mentioned Attention-grabbing words like getting, limited time which is best for CTA, and different meanings of colors.

In the ninth tip, I have written about the Red pen rule, which is focused on proofreading. How important it is it helps you eradicate those things that confuse users and help you write Attention grabbing web copy.

In the tenth tip, I have discussed your copy should make sense if the big copy is needed, so do not worry. Just break your copy into short sentences. As I have discussed, be long as short as you can, depending on your need.

In the eleventh tip, I discussed the importance of using social proof that helps you improve your conversion. I have given your idea about the before and after formula, which helps you get more appealing reviews than your competitor.

In twelve tips, I have discussed knowledge tools that are helpful for you in writing copy. There are three tools I have mentioned in that tip for grammar. I have suggested Grammarly find the trending audience queries you can use to answer in public and to get inspiring ideas about copywriting, and you can use Copywriting example tool.

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