Are you worried about your ad conversion?

Many people spend thousands of dollars on paid ads but get few leads.

Are you one of them?

With the help of perfect words and structure for your ad copy, you can enhance your leads flow 10x.

In this guide, I will show you eight proven copywriting formulas that can help you improve the quality of your digital ads. With the help of those formulas, you can craft ads that will engage your target audience perfectly.

Read this blog thoroughly, and I will make you capable of writing a perfect ad copy with the help of these formulas.

So, without wasting time, let’s dive into the central part of the blog.

The eight proven copywriting formulas that will help you to write perfect copy are: Formulas
1 Four U approach.
2 FAB Selling.
3 The four C’s.
4 The five questions.
5 Keep it simple stupid (Kiss rule).
6 The AIDA model.
7 Pain Agitate Solution (PAS).
8 Fan dancer.

Four U approach:

Michael Masterson and Bill Bonner invented the Four U approach. This approach is used to write perfect attention-grabbing headlines.

Four U’s stand for:

  • Unique.
  • Useful.
  • Urgent.
  • Ultra Specific.

Let’s discuss how you can use each U to write the perfect headline for your ad copy.


Unique means surprise, so write in a way that gives your ad readers a wow factor. Now, the question is how your headline can surprise readers.

The answer is simple:

Use your USP (Unique selling point) in the headline to show how your product or service differs from competitors. If you want to write a unique headline, there is no perfect formula.

You have to research your competitor and analyze how they are writing their headlines to add unique factors to their headlines.

Note how they make themselves unique,

Then, think about your product or service and how you can make it different from them.

Then, make notes, write unique things about your product or service, and apply them to your headline.

Example (English language classes):

Enroll in English classes where you will learn English from an Oxford University professor.

In this example, you can see bold lines, which is a unique factor. There are lots of institutes that offer online classes in English, but the unique factor is a credible teacher.


Useful means it is directly connected with benefits, so always take benefits as your baby when you are working on the Useful aspect

People like to read AD headlines based on benefits, which means headlines that emphasize positive outcomes help them understand how they can get rid of pain or problems they are facing with the help of your product or service.


Start your web development learning with us and earn up to $2000 monthly.

In this example, you can see the benefit highlighted in black. The benefit is anything that people will get as a result.





Urgency factor can boost your leads flow, but only if you use it wisely. But remember, don’t make a false claim. Creating a sense of urgency does not mean that.

The urgency factor helps you to emphasize to your audience that it is the right time to take action.

You can incorporate a sense of urgency in your headline by using powerful words that force your potential customers to consider they should get this offer now before it’s too late.

Get two smartphones for the price of one offer. This offer is valid only today.

Ultra specific:


Make your headlines ultra-specific. People like to read the things that are specifically relevant to them. The benefit of making ultra-specific headlines is that you save ad costs by targeting a specific target audience.


English language course for beginners from your native teacher.

In this example, my focus is on beginners. With the help of this word, I have emphasized that this information is written explicitly for beginner students.

FAB Selling

FAB stands for Features, Advantages, and Benefits. This approach is used to write the body of the copy. Many people need clarification about differentiating between these three terms.

So we need to understand what they are and how you can use them in your body of the copy:

Features:  Features are the characteristics of your product and service.

Advantage: Advantage tells how your product or service works. It is the description of features and how each feature is beneficial.

Benefits: Benefit is the end result of your product or service.

Let’s discuss How you can use FAB in the body copy.

Start your body copy with features, but before writing features, take a pen and copy and write down all features in your copy, along with the advantages of each feature.

Once you have done so, then focus on the benefits. Do not bother your user with only features.

Remember, as I said, that people do not buy specifications. They like to purchase the solution to their problem or pain. Focus on benefits as much as you can.

The four C’s:

This formula consists of four C’s, which are Clear, Concise, Compelling, and Credible. This formula was invented by Bob Baly in 2013. You can use this approach to structure your copy perfectly.

Let’s discuss each C of this formula.


When you work on your copy, you should ensure your word choice is clear enough to understand.

But how can you make your copy clear and easy to understand?

It is simple to follow this:

  • Use bullet points.
  • Write short sentences.
  • Use subheadings.

Remember, avoid using jargon because not all readers will be able to understand it.



Concise means giving complete information using a few words, but your copy should make sense. As you know, readers only want to read a little. Nowadays, the average human attention span is 8 seconds, so be concise when working on your copy.



In simple words, compelling means convincing. It is essential in copywriting to write copy that grabs your reader’s attention and forces them to read more.

Your copy should be:

  • Attractive enough for your audience.
  • It should fulfill their needs and what they are looking for.
  • Solve their problem.
  • Build desire.


Credibility means being able to believe in your ad copy. With the help of credible factors, you can boost your lead flow.

People like to buy from credible places, so add credibility factors in your copy, such as:

  • Add past clients’ reviews,
  • awards, and recognition.
  • Other things that help you show your credibility.

Five Questions

This formula comprises five Ws:

  1. Who.
  2. What.
  3. When.
  4. Where.
  5. Why.

This approach is used to make an ad copywriting strategy. It is the easiest and best way to do targeted audience research. Each question has its meaning.

Let’s discuss how to use this formula:



You can form many questions using the Who aspect, which can be related to your targeted audience.

Some of the examples are:

  • Which type of people are they?
  • Who are they?


In this approach, the second aspect is What we use to research the target audience’s interest.

Some of the examples are:



The third aspect of this approach is Where we can use it to find out

  1. The palace where you can run your ad campaigns
  2. Where you can share your blogs, case studies, etc
  3. To list down target audience demographics.

Let’s see an example of where.



The fourth aspect of this approach is When this we use when we research about time.




Why aspect is the backbone of this approach where you define why your product or service is best for the target audience?

Keep it simple, stupid (Kiss rule)


This rule we use for all types of copywriting. This rule says your copy should be concise and easy to understand.Remember, we write our copy for readers, and we can’t judge that all our readers are very efficient in understanding language.

So, in your copy, do not use any jargon. Nowadays, the average reader span is just 8 seconds. Try to keep your copy short and use understandable and attention-grabbing words.

AIDA model

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. You can use this to structure your ads attention-grabbing.

By using this approach, you can target all three types of audiences.

  1. TOF (Top of the funnel).
  2. MOF (Middle of the funnel).
  3. BOF (Bottom of the funnel).

Let’s discuss the AIDA model in easy steps.


The first step is where you write an opening for your ad. Here, we aim to grab the attention of our target audience by giving them attention-grabbing offers.



In the second step, we aim to build interest in our target audience’s mind by highlighting benefits. We can do this by emphasizing what your reader will get after using your product (Positive outcomes).



In the third step, we aim to build desire by adding more discount offers, mentioning past customers’ reviews, and showing how your product or service has solved their problem.



In the fourth and last step, you can give a Call to Action here. In this step, use an urgency statement that emphasizes to your target audience that this is the right time to buy this product or service.

PAS Formula

PAS stands for Pain Agitate Solve. This formula is used to structure your ad copy perfectly, which helps you grab your target audience’s attention.

Let’s discuss each character of PAS.


In this step, write about the specific pain your target audience faces, which can be solved using your product or service.



In simple words, agitating means making someone understand that they have XYZ pain.

It is the second step of this formula. An easy way to use the agitated step in your copy is to add emotional factors, including fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, etc.

The purpose of this step is simple (Amplify the pain):

You have to remind your target audience that they have the pain and should get rid of it as soon as possible. You should also mention the negative consequences they may face if they don’t get rid of that pain.



Solve is the last step of this formula after realizing the pain and its causes that your target audience is facing or may face in future because of the XYZ pain.

After initiating these steps, start work on this step. In this step, you have to solve the pain mentionshown here your product or service is the only thing that can help them to get rid of that specific pain.


FAN Dancer

This formula is used to grab the reader’s attention without showing anything. The best way to use this formula is to use it in headlines, product descriptions, social ads and email popups. You can use this formula when your question is the same as everyone else, like asking for an email in email popups.


Now, our blog is finished. In this blog, I have discussed eight unique formulas of copywriting. Each formula is used for different aspects of copywriting. I hope you liked this blog; it adds value to your knowledge.
But if you still need help, email or directly approach us through our social channels. Thanks.